I’ve been meaning to revamp the photography section of this site for a while now; this weekend, I finally found the time to do it. I registered a new domain, straylightphotography.com, and put together a portfolio consisting of my 20 favorite shots (<shamelessPlug>many of which are currently on display at Interzone through February 28th!</shamelessPlug>). I’m hoping to quickly expand the site with themed portfolios (portraits, urban decay, etc.), but… first things first.
Also, the new portfolio has been an excuse to play with CSS3 and jQuery 1.4. Visitors using Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Opera should see a site that behaves like it was created with Adobe Flash, but is fully accessible and doesn’t require the proprietary Flash plug-in. Visitors using Internet Explorer… well… it at least degrades cleanly. Mostly.
Hey, Todd.
I’m enjoying checking out your blog, and photos, etc. I am using drivel to post to the blog in the above website link, and it sends posts as a draft, so I have to log into publish them. Is there a way to publish directly? (on debian/lenny, if that’s significant).
my photos are at photodharma.com
be good, happy shooting & coding